Candidate Forum: The Woodlands Township Board of Directors
An election will be held on November 5, 2019 for three at-large positions on The Woodlands Township Board of Directors, designated as positions 5, 6 and 7. Join us at 6 pm as we hear from the candidates about issues facing The Woodlands residents. Those elected to the board this November will be charged with making decisions about incorporation, taxes, maintenance, public water supply, clear cutting, a Woodlands Parkway extension and more. All candidates have been invited. Looking forward to seeing you!

Open Meeting-Will Texas be blue in November 2020?
Please join us as we kick off a new season of monthly meetings with Senator Brandon Creighton. Senator Creighton will discuss the future of our great state of Texas and what to expect in our next election cycle. Senator Creighton will also give his inside view of the last session of the Texas legislature.
As always, our mission is to educate and organize citizens regarding public policy and founding principles, and to support the election of local, state and national candidates who share our core values. Constitutionally limited government, fiscal responsibility and free markets are our mantra.
Candidate Spotlight
At every meeting, we welcome candidates for office on the November ballot to address the group for 3 minutes. In that short time, we’d like you candidates to introduce yourselves, share why you are running, and briefly cover the main issues in your race. You are invited to join our candidate spotlight every time we have it. That way, we’ll get to know you better, you can cover more issues, and we can see you develop as a candidate. Please sign in as a candidate before the meeting and we’ll invite you up in the order on the sheet. No RSVP is necessary. And, Patriot, please share this invitation with candidates who may not know of this opportunity.
Volunteers Needed
As we ramp up for the November election, and for the Primary in March, we need people who can do internet research on candidates, to serve on vetting committees, to help with graphic design, to edit text, to plan and help with events for volunteers, to hand out voter guides, etc. If you’d like to help with any of this, we’d love to meet you at the Sept 3rd meeting.

Labor Day-US Federal Holiday
“The vital force of labor added materially to the highest standard of living and the greatest production the world has ever known, and has brought us closer to the realization of our traditional ideals of economic and political democracy. It is appropriate, therefore, that the nation pays tribute on Labor Day to the creator of so much of the nation’s strength, freedom, and leadership — the American worker.”-US Department of Labor

Open Meeting - Ben Larrabee Speaker/Election Recap
Join us Tuesday evening at 6:30 pm at TWFG training Room in The Woodlands Mall. We have a great speaker, Ben Larrabee who will discuss the Challenges Conservative College Students face when attending Liberal leaning universities. We will provide an election re-cap; congratulate our Republican candidate wins; and thank our many volunteers. We hope to see you there!

Open Meeting on Transportation and Healthcare Proposals
Join us to hear and discuss two important topics, transportation and healthcare. We'll have two presentations, one from Texans for Traffic Relief, attempting to address some of the abuses associated with toll roads. Our other speaker is Dave Balat, former candidate for CD2, dissecting Bernie Sanders' plan, Medicare for All.
We'll discuss the most recent events in local politics and the upcoming election. Please join us!

Ted Cruz Yard Signs Available/$8 Donation
Show your support for Ted Cruz with this yard sign and stake. The Beto campaign wants to shock Texans into believing Ted has less support across Texas than he really does. The Texas Patriots PAC produced these signs to turn out key Republican voters in the November 6 Election. Your donation will help us reach key voters. Thank you!
We’ll be at Saddle River Range from 9am to noon with our remaining Ted Cruz Yard Signs. Supplies are limited. If you donate online, we’ll set your signs aside. If you reserve a bundle of signs online, we’ll deliver them to your address in Montgomery County or Spring. Order now!

Open Meeting
Please join us at our next meeting on September 11, 2018. To commemorate the Anniversary of that fateful day, our
guest speaker will be Marine Lieutenant General (3 Stars) Steven Hummer. Steven will relate about hearing
of an airplane hitting the World Trade Center as he arrived for work as the 7 th Marines Regimental
Commander to him giving his Marines permission to assist Iraqi Civilians who were attempting to pull
down the statue of Saddam Hussein on April 9, 2003. He will relate about taking his 7000 Marines from
California to Kuwait to Baghdad and the obstacles along the way. The 7 th Marines are part of the First
Marine Division. The Division Commander for this period was James Mattis current Secretary of
Defense, the Assistant Division Commander was John Kelly current White House Chief of Staff and
General Joseph Dunford former Commandant of the Marine Corps and current Chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff. After his talk, LtGen Hummer will take questions. This meeting is free and open to all. Come as you are.

Open Meeting with guest speakers from Americans For Prosperity
For August's Open Meeting, please join us to hear from the local folks from Americans for Prosperity. Americans for Prosperity exists to recruit, educate, and mobilize citizens in support of the policies and goals of a free society at the local, state, and federal level, helping every American live their dream – especially the least fortunate.
Americans for Prosperity works in the same direction as the Texas Patriots PAC but a little differently and they have some great initiatives that you should know about. As always, we'll also update you on what's happened recently in local politics.
If you are interested in your local politics or looking for a way to become involved this is an excellent place to start. This is a free meeting and open to all. Come as you are.

Open Meeting with Lt. Commander Dan Crenshaw (retired)
Time change - There will be a reception before the meeting, from 6-6:30.
Please join us for our monthly meeting, where we welcome Dan Crenshaw. Lieutenant Commander Dan Crenshaw (retired) is originally from Houston, Texas, and a proud 6th generation Texan. His father’s career in the Texas oil and gas industry moved his family all over the world, including Ecuador and Colombia. As a result, Dan is fluent in Spanish. From an early age, Dan knew that he wanted to serve his country with the most elite fighting force in history: the U.S. Navy SEALs. Dan graduated from Tufts University in 2006, where he earned his Naval officer commission through Navy ROTC. He immediately reported to SEAL training in Coronado, CA, where he met his future wife, Tara, just a few months later. After graduating SEAL training, Dan deployed to Fallujah, Iraq to join SEAL Team Three, his first of five deployments overseas.
On Dan’s third deployment in 2012, his life changed forever. After six months of combat operations, Dan was hit by an IED blast during a mission in Helmand province, Afghanistan. He was evacuated and awoke from his medically induced coma learning that his right eye had been destroyed in the blast and his left eye was still present, but badly damaged. Dan was completely blind and the doctors did not believe he would ever see again. Tara stood by him every day and night, keeping faith and praying he would see again. After several difficult surgeries, he eventually regained sight in his left eye, a miracle according to the head surgeon. Dan refused to quit and went on to deploy twice more, first back to the Middle East in 2014 and then South Korea in 2016.
Dan was medically retired in September of 2016, after ten years in the SEAL Teams. He left service with two Bronze Stars (one with Valor), the Purple Heart, and the Navy Commendation Medal with Valor, among many other recognitions. Soon after, Dan completed his Master in Public Administration at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government. In September of last year, he was back in Houston, volunteering for days on end in areas of Katy devastated by Hurricane Harvey. He saw first-hand the unthinkable losses that his neighbors suffered, but he also saw Texan grit and resilience. He wanted to do more, and this November Dan and Tara decided that the best way to serve the people of Texas would be in elected office.
Dan is now running for the U.S. House of Representatives in Texas’ 2nd district, where Dan grew up and where his family lives now. He believes in service before self, and understands that there is no higher calling than service to the American people. His wife Tara is no stranger to service either: she comes from a career Navy family, and is an active fundraiser for families of fallen service members and suicide prevention.
Dan is a staunch Republican and knows the importance of carrying the conservative movement through to the next generation. Dan can no longer fight on the battlefield, but he can bring the integrity, leadership, vision, and tenacity learned in the SEAL teams to fight in Congress for common sense policies that ensure our nation’s prosperity and security, represent our Christian values, and again give Texans a reason to be proud of their leaders.

Open Meeting-Active Shooters: A Solution for Texas
Please join us for our monthly open meeting as we host a discussion concerning current and proposed practices for the safety of our schools, churches and public venues. Our speakers will include Montgomery County Precinct 3 Constable Ron Gable and Dr. Tom Sloan. Dr. Sloan is a native Texan who has practiced internal medicine in the Woodlands since 1991. Our discussion will focus on policies that could increase the safety of schools and communities while preserving Second Amendment rights.
Governor Greg Abbott has just released a 44 page plan for gun safety in schools and is open to a special session to put these suggestions into law. An informed community with a consensus is the best plan in order to have our voices heard.
We meet at TWFG in the Woodlands mall, upstairs by the food court.

May 22, 2018 Primary Runoff Elections
The primary runoff elections for Montgomery County will be held on Tuesday May 22, 2018.
Based on our guidelines, the Texas Patriots PAC offers its candidate recommendations in runoff races as follows (click links to read our discussion of the race):
County Commissioner, Precinct 2, Greg Parker (Recommended)
County Commissioner, Precinct 4, Jim Clark (Recommended)

Open Meeting with Sheriff Rand Henderson
Sheriff Rand Henderson will be our speaker at this Tuesday’s open meeting. He will give an update on happenings at the Sheriff’s office along with his development of a Strategic Plan for Montgomery County. Sheriff Henderson will discuss his office’s implementation of ComStat, software that offers a dynamic approach to crime reduction, quality of life improvement, and personnel and resource management. Please join us!
Where: TWFG (The Woodlands Financial Group) Training Room, 2nd Floor of The Woodlands Mall, upstairs from Ann Taylor Loft, next to the Food Court

Oak Ridge North City Council Candidate Forum
On May 5th, Oak Ridge North will hold elections for City Council. On Thursday, April 19th, the Texas Patriots PAC will host a candidate forum to discuss the major issues of concern to Oak Ridge North voters. Republican Precinct Chair Jon Bouche will moderate this forum. The forum will include both questions from the moderator and attendees. The issues covered will include mobility/traffic, commercial development, taxation levels, and transparency/communication with local government. This event will be broadcast on Facebook Live as well.

Open Meeting with Attorney General Ken Paxton
Join us Tuesday, March 27, 2018 from 6:30pm to 8pm to welcome and hear our outstanding conservative Attorney General Ken Paxton at our next Open Meeting. We'll also congratulate the many candidates we supported in the March 6th primary who won their races or are headed to a runoff. We meet in the TWFG Training Room, 2nd floor of The Woodlands Mall, next to the Food Court.
Attorney General Ken Paxton
In November, 2014 Ken Paxton became the 51st Attorney General of Texas after over a year of campaigning to earn the votes of Texans across the state. The son of an Air Force veteran, General Paxton is consistently recognized as a conservative, stalwart leader with a deep passion and respect for our U.S. Constitution through his previous service in the Texas House and Senate and now as Attorney General. He is known for his principled and uncompromising devotion to America’s founding values.
Once elected, Ken immediately went to work fulfilling his campaign promises to protect the 10th Amendment, fighting efforts by President Obama and his administration to infringe upon Texas’ state sovereignty. And recently, he has been a prominent voice in the defense of religious liberty during multiple attacks by the Obama Administration and the Supreme Court. A defender of our free enterprise system, General Paxton also continues to fight against overreaching government regulations which harm Texas jobs and economic growth.
First elected in 2002 as a State Representative in House District 70, Mr. Paxton served in the Texas House of Representatives for 10 years prior to being elected to represent Texas Senate District 8 in 2012, where he served until being elected Attorney General. SD 8 includes the majority of Collin County and a portion of Dallas County.
Hope you can join us!
Early Voting
It has been raining at the polls this week, but that didn’t keep voters away. Our folks who always work at the polls were still there (with some new ones! Thank you!) and voters were receptive to our voter guide. But the pay-to-play ballots are showing up with voters as well. Having volunteers at the polls offering our Texas Patriots PAC voter guide clearly shows voters that we are grassroots conservatives who stand behind our best conservative candidates. Voters, and candidates, remember who was there in the rain.
I know that you want government that gives you the most liberty. This weekend and next week, you have a very effective way to help that happen by giving two hours of your valuable time to greeting voters at the polls. Next week, polls are open 7am to 7pm. You may have a commitment early in the morning or toward evening. Maybe you can be there for the rush of voters first thing in the morning. When could you be with us?
If you can’t donate your time, please consider donating money. Your $20 donation makes a huge difference. Your regular monthly donation of any amount helps even more. Click here to donate.
Email me at Julie@TexasPatriotsPAC.com. Hope to hear from you soon!
Julie Turner
Open Meeting
Once the Texas Patriots PAC issues the voter guide, we all in for our candidates. No more Candidate Spotlights, now we win, together. At Tuesday's Open Meeting, we will formally congratulate the candidates recommended or endorsed on the Texas Patriots PAC voter guide. Candidates on the guide, this will be a wonderful time to distribute your yard signs! In addition, we will have a special address from Texas Patriots PAC volunteer Eric Yollick and other great Patriot volunteers about effective ways to help out. Please join us!
Where: TWFG Training Room, 2nd Floor of The Woodlands Mall, upstairs from Ann Taylor Loft
When: Tuesday, February 13, 2018, 6:30 pm.
Candidate Forum: Montgomery County Judge and Precinct 2 Commissioner
Precinct 2 Commissioner Candidate Forum will be held from 6pm to 7:15pm followed by the County Judge Candidate Forum from 7:30pm to 8:45pm. We are partnering with Community Impact Magazine to moderate this candidate forum in order to reach all possible voters through print, in person, and online. You will be able to watch these two events on Facebook Live if you cannot join us in person. These events will be recorded and available for viewing later. Again, space is limited at our meeting location, which is the TWFG Training Room at The Woodlands Mall (1201 Lake Woodlands Drive, Suite 4020, The Woodlands, TX 77380). We will reserve space for those of you who support the Texas Patriots PAC through our current 250 for $250 membership drive. We are looking for 250 of you to donate $250, especially as a one-time donation, before the primary. These funds go directly for distribution of our voter guide in the March primary. Your support is most necessary and most gratefully appreciated – please donate here: http://www.texaspatriotspac.com/donate/
Questions will be determined ahead of time, so please email Julie@TexasPatriotsPAC.com with the issues you would like to see candidates address.
What question would you ask the Precinct 2 Commissioner candidates?
What question would you ask candidates for Montgomery County Judge?

Conversation with Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick
Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick/ Q&A with Texas Patriots PAC /Facebook Live/Tuesday, Jan. 9 6:30pm