It's time The Woodlands residents had a board that stands up for their interests, not the interests of the developers and the county. Vote! #thewoodlands

The political elites and developers created this group to attack Gordy Bunch, Brian Boniface, John Anthony Brown, and Bruce Rieser for standing up for our residents. Don't be fooled! #thewoodlands

Our November 2016 voter guide! Be sure to scroll down to the end of the ballot in order to vote in these nonpartisan races. Voting straight ticket won't cover these! #thewoodlands

Today is the last day to vote early! Polls are open until 7:00 p.m. Election Day is Tuesday! #thewoodlands #lakeconroe #texas #txlege

SHARE to spread the word about voting for Steve Toth for Congress! Bring all your friends who haven't voted to the polls on Tuesday, March 1st! #DefeatKevinBrady #VoteforToth #thewoodlands #thewoodlandstx #lakeconroe

In the past two weeks, Kevin Brady has raised a whopping $489,400. Only $7,000 of this has come from inside his district, and mostly from 2 people. When you take the king's shilling, you do the king's bidding. Let's send a representative to congress who will fight the Washington Cartel with Ted Cruz, who Kevin Brady refuses to support. Vote for Steve Toth for Congress on Tuesday, March 1st! #DefeatKevinBrady #VoteforToth #thewoodlands #thewoodlandstx #lakeconroe
More information: http://www.texaspatriotspac.com/steve-toth

Above all the rhetoric, the choice is clear for conservatives. Ted Cruz is the only candidate who can defeat the Washington cartel. Be a part of history this Tuesday, March 1, and vote for less government and more liberty. #CruzCrew #texas #htx #dallas #supertuesday #satx #thewoodlands #tx

Kevin Brady continuously votes against attempts to reign in the warrantless, unconstitutional domestic surveillance of U.S. citizens under the NSA. (H.Amdt 503 to HR 2685, 2015; H.Amdt. 935 to HR 4870, 2014; H.Amdt. 413 to HR 2397, 2013) While surveillance can be a great tool that should be used to stop terrorists and protect our country, the current program allows the NSA to spy on virtually every aspect of everyone's lives - not just the terrorists - in direct violation of the 4th amendment. If the government wants to spy on American citizens, Kevin Brady doesn't think they need to get individual warrants. LIKE and SHARE if you're voting for the candidate who respects the Bill of Rights on March 1st, Steve Toth for Congress!
#DefeatKevinBrady #VoteforToth #thewoodlands #thewoodlandstx #lakeconroe #nsa
More info: http://www.texaspatriotspac.com/steve-toth

El único candidato que quiere más libertad para la gente... Vota hoy por Ted Cruz!
#CruzCrew #texas #htx #dallastx #txlege

Beware of fake tea parties that have endorsed Kevin Brady for Congress. Kevin Brady has been in office 20 years and has an "F" grade from Conservative Review and the Heritage Foundation. Kevin Brady constantly votes for more debt, more spending, and to fund everything Obama wants including Planned Parenthood and Executive Amnesty. He also refused to commit to defunding Obamacare! Steve Toth is a true constitutional conservative in the mold of Ted Cruz, which is why we have endorsed them both! Steve Toth fought the liberal establishment Republicans in Austin as a State Representative, and unlike Kevin Brady, he won't fold to the Republican leadership's pressures in Washington! Vote for Steve Toth for Congress! Early voting is going on RIGHT NOW. #VoteforToth #DefeatKevinBrady #thewoodlands #thewoodlandstx #lakeconroe
More information: www.texaspatriotspac.com/steve-toth

While Kevin Brady claims to want to defund Planned Parenthood, he voted to fund it in the December spending bill. Kevin Brady and the rest of the Republican leadership cannot continue to bamboozle voters by claiming to have conservative values and not fighting for them. Vote for pro-life champion Steve Toth for Congress on March 1st! Steve was given a 112% pro-life rating by Texas Right to Life, and won't vote to fund Planned Parenthood when he thinks the voters aren't looking. #DefeatKevinBrady #VoteforToth #thewoodlands #thewoodlandstx #lakeconroe More information: http://www.texaspatriotspac.com/steve-toth

In October of 2015, a small minority of Republicans joined with all of the Democrats to vote to raise the debt ceiling. One of these Republicans was Kevin Brady. LIKE and SHARE if you think our national debt is dangerous! We cannot keep kicking the can down the road and saddle our children and grandchildren with debt. Vote for Steve Toth for Congress today! #DefeatKevinBrady #VoteforToth #thewoodlands #thewoodlandstx #lakeconroe
More information on this vote: http://bit.ly/1mRloGK
More information on this race: http://www.texaspatriotspac.com/steve-toth

Kevin Brady voted for HR 2029, which funded Obama's unconstitutional executive amnesty program. It's time to send a leader to Congress who will stand up against amnesty and fight to secure the border. Vote for Steve Toth for Congress on March 1st! #DefeatKevinBrady #VoteforToth #thewoodlands #thewoodlandstx #lakeconroe
More info: http://www.texaspatriotspac.com/steve-toth

In December 2015, Kevin Brady voted for the $1.15 trillion omnibus spending bill which gave President Obama and the democrats everything they wanted. This bill fully funded Obamacare, Planned Parenthood, Executive Amnesty, the Syrian refugee resettlement, and saddled the next generation with $780 billion in additional debt. Democrat leadership said they accomplished all of their goals with this bill and that it was negotiated on their terms, while President Obama called the bill "a good win." We need Republican Congressmen who will actually fight for conservative reforms and responsible spending, and Kevin Brady has proven unwilling to do so. Vote for Steve Toth for Congress on March 1st! #DefeatKevinBrady #VoteforToth #thewoodlands #thewoodlandstx #lakeconroe
More information: http://www.texaspatriotspac.com/steve-toth

Here is the official Texas Patriots PAC voter guide for all of the statewide races! No matter where you live in Texas, you get to vote in these races. Share this far and wide so that your fellow conservatives will know who to vote for. (Be sure to bring a paper copy with you to vote, as the election judges do not allow you to look at your phone in the voting booth.) #texas #htx #tx #dallastx #txlege

Montgomery county residents: here is our official voter guide. Polls are open 7 - 7 this week! Go vote! (Be sure to bring a paper copy as the election judges do not allow you to look at your phone in the voting booth.) #thewoodlands #thewoodlandstx #lakeconroe #conroe #magnoliatx

Which of your rights are negotiable to Donald Trump? The 2nd Amendment? Right to life? Property rights? We get it, you think he's cool. But you don't have to question where Ted Cruz stands on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Let's send a Texan to restore constitutional conservatism to the White House. #TexansforTed #CruzCrew #htx #thewoodlands #texas
More information: http://www.texaspatriotspac.com/ted-cruz

Our Bourbon and Biscuits event is so exclusive and fun, Facebook doesn't want us to advertise!
Join us tomorrow night at Saddle River Range to shoot guns, taste bourbon, eat biscuits, and win prizes, all for the great cause of funding the fight for Liberty! All you have to do to get in is become one of our sustaining supporters here -> http://www.texaspatriotspac.com/bourbon-biscuits-fundraiser/
#thewoodlands #thewoodlandstx #bourbonandbiscuits #htx #houston #texas #lakeconroe #txlege #nra #gunlovers #guncontrolsucks