Articles — Texas Patriots PAC

Controlling our future

This whole fight for inserting the will of the Residents into planning the future of our Community started in the Spring of 2015. At that time it was learned that what would be called The Woodlands Parkway Extension (WPX) was a project for Precinct 2 on the proposed Road Bond. Residents realizing that this would bring an influx of unwanted traffic to an already overloaded system voiced an objection. Those objections grew to a resistance movement identified through a “” petition. This resistance resulted in an overwhelming defeat of that Bond led by Woodlands voters who voted against it 5 to 1. After that vote, the Commissioner of Precinct 2, Charlie Riley, advised that it didn’t matter because he would place on all future bonds the funding of the WPX. That prospect made Residents realize that it would be wise to explore Incorporation. People realized that if you don’t control your geography, you don’t control your future.


Leading the fight in 2015 FOR the WPX Extension were Bruce Tough and Mike Bass. So much so that it cost Mr. Tough his re-election in the Fall and had Mike Bass announced he was not running again. Both said subsequently that they were actually against the WPX but were for the Road Bond because it was needed. I’ve heard that song before from Democrat politicians that are Catholic who are “personally against abortion” but do not want to impose religious beliefs on others. That’s all political consultant focus group nonsense, just as Tough and Bass on the WPX. By the way, the Road Bond passed overwhelmingly six months later without the WPX in the same election sending Mr. Tough into retirement. Our voters were pretty discerning.


After that experience, the prospect of Incorporation became an item to be brought forward to discuss. The 2057 date became meaningless. A reserve of $2.5 Million was set up to study the question. Mind you, not to implement, but to study and to wisely plan for our future. This set off panic alarms amongst those against Incorporation. Those against would be Developers and the Commissioner’s Court that treats us as merely sheep to be fleeced for our Tax Dollars. Since we are unincorporated, they have all the power. It’s not an accident that they control our appraisals as they control the appraisal board. It is appraisals driving up our taxes not our tax rate which has gone down or stayed the same. That Board is made up of Commissioner Reilly, Commissioner Meador, Tom Cox, Tammy McCrae ex officio (a non-voting member) and of course the Chairman, Bruce Tough.


These interests against learning about Incorporation are powerful and they don’t want you to know who they are. Bruce Tough is using a device to hide their identities. It’s called a 501(c)4 which permits donors to remain anonymous. I say Bruce Tough because the address for the 501(c)4 is Bruce’s Office. I say powerful because the amount of money being spent is extraordinary for a township race. That includes running a TV Commercial during last week’s Presidential Debate. I will say one more thing, these interests are mostly not of The Woodlands. We’re smarter than this. If the numbers were a 70%, 85% or 120% increase in taxes, these opponents would encourage the study and not try to stop it. That’s what I would do. Instead they are spending big money to stop the Residents from finding out the truth of Incorporation.

There are only four people guaranteed to find that out for us. Gordy Bunch, Bruce Rieser, John Brown and Brian Boniface. The Residents have to vote on it anyway before we can Incorporate so what do they know that they don’t want us to know? They are not asking you to vote for anyone just trying to dissuade you from voting for those that seriously want to investigate Incorporation and would put it to a vote if it made sense after the study. They don’t want The Residents of The Woodlands to control their lives within their Home Town. They want you to remain being sheep to be shorn by the Conroe Cartel. Let’s find out what they know. Vote for Gordy Bunch, Bruce Rieser, John Brown and Brian Boniface.


Bill O’Sullivan
Texas Patriots PAC

Kevin Brady is part of the Washington cartel.

Kevin Brady is an important part of the Washington cartel.  He has accepted and upholds the practice of voting for massive bills that protect Congressmen from having to fight for the values of their districts on individual issues.  Kevin Brady voted for the 2015 Omnibus Appropriations bill in December, which included funding for Planned Parenthood.  According to the Washington Post on Dec. 16, 2015, this bill “does not defund the Title X family planning or teen pregnancy prevention programs or include policy riders that would prevent Planned Parenthood from accessing federal health care funds, allow states to exclude Planned Parenthood or other abortion providers from their Medicaid programs, or allow employers to block their employees from receiving insurance coverage for abortion.”

The practice in Congress has been to schedule a show vote of opposition to whatever they did that would be unpalatable to the folks at home.  The show vote in this case was House bill HR 3762 to defund Planned Parenthood.  It passed the House and Senate, but to the surprise of no one, it was immediately vetoed by President Obama..  The veto override attempt in the House failed this week.  All of them, including Kevin Brady, knew this would be the outcome.

How sad is it that Kevin Brady, who is unquestionably pro-life, chose to vote to fund Planned Parenthood in order to work within Washington leadership?  Washington cannot be changed from the inside and Kevin has been there for 20 years.  His votes suppress the views of the 4th most conservative congressional district in America because they reflect those who put him in leadership, not his constituents here.  Tax policies with merit, which Kevin has offered, can be picked up and carried by others.  Voters have a choice in CD8, particularly in Steve Toth, who has a proven conservative voting record and a campaign with a path to victory  It’s time to vote our values in our choice of Congressman, and to see those values finally reflected in Washington.  

Marines celebrate their 240th birthday in Town Green Park in The Woodlands

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – November 9, 2015
Contact: Bill O’Sullivan, 832-704-0925,


(The Woodlands, TX) - On Tuesday November 10th the United States Marine Corps celebrates its 240th Birthday. As has become the local custom, there will be a memorial ceremony and birthday observance at Town Green Park in The Woodlands. The Park is across Lake Robbins Drive from the HEB at Market Street between the Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion and the Library. It will be held at the Texas Marines Medal of Honor Memorial located in the Park. The Ceremony will start at 4 PM. All are invited.

This year, the Texas Marines Medal of Honor Fund, who conducts the ceremony, will honor the two Marines from the Battle of Tarawa who are honored on the Monument. Their Medal of Honor Citations will be read as part of the Ceremony. There are seventeen Texas born or enlisted Medal of Honor recipients on the Monument. Sixteen are Marines and one is a Navy Corpsman who Marines consider one of their own.   

The Guest of Honor will be Tom Early of The Woodlands who is one of the driving forces in constructing the Monument and a Marine. Tarawa is significant to Tom because Tom attributes saving his brother, Cleland Early, a Silver Star recipient and hero of Guadalcanal, to the heroism exhibited by Hawkins and others on Red Beach on the first day.

The Guest Speaker will be Russ Shoup. Russ is the Senior Vice Commandant of the Eastex Detachment 779 Marine Corps League. Russ is a Marine Officer and a descendant of David M. Shoup who also was awarded the Medal of Honor for his actions at Tarawa. Colonel Shoup’s leadership and fearlessness on Beach Red Two saved the Landing and led to the ultimate Victory. Russ will relate his story. Colonel Shoup eventually became the Commandant of the Marine Corps.

Following the Memorial ceremony, the Marine Corps Birthday will be observed. The Birthday Ceremony will follow the guidelines used by Marines around the World. The cake will be cut and served in the prescribed manner to those attending.

The Eastex Detachment #779 of The Marine Corps League will be a major participant in the ceremony. State Representative Steve Toth has agreed to do the invocation. Congressman Kevin Brady has been invited to introduce his friend, Tom Early. The Event will be emceed by Bill O’Sullivan of The Woodlands, a Marine Viet Nam Veteran.



Texas Patriots PAC congratulates Laura Fillault, Ann Snyder, and John McMullan

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – November 4, 2015
Contact: Gena Cook,, (713) 400-1272

Texas Patriots PAC congratulates Laura Fillault, Ann Snyder, and John McMullan

(The Woodlands, Texas) -  Texas Patriots PAC congratulated Laura Fillault and Ann Snyder on their election, and John McMullan on his re-election to The Woodlands Township Board of Directors.  “The November 3rd election results signal a sea change in what The Woodlands’ residents seek in Township governance,” said Julie Turner, president of the Texas Patriots PAC.  “Voters signaled that they want to see much more appreciation for residents’ experiences and perspectives.  We look forward to working with this new board to retain the unique and precious features of living in The Woodlands while planning for the future.”

Texas Patriots PAC also praised the passage of the new road bond, which was a scaled-back version of the bond the PAC helped to defeat in May. “The passage of the Montgomery County road bond means that our county can begin to address some of the most longstanding mobility problems in the county and avail our county of state transportation funds.” Turner said. “The Texas Patriots PAC will continue to advocate for ways to put our county on a glide path to pay for road maintenance and other ongoing obligations with existing annual revenue.”

Although they had supported Matthew Burton for Position 6, Texas Patriots PAC congratulated Ann Snyder on her victory. “Dr. Snyder earned this victory through her long-standing record of service through Interfaith and before that, serving on the CISD board.  In this campaign, she emphasized her past success building consensus and partnerships with a multitude of local organizations,” Turner said. “The Township Board will be well-served by having someone with such considerable skills in this area.  We wish Dr. Snyder the best success and look forward to working with her.”

Matthew Burton narrowly lost to Ann Snyder in a crowded race. “Matthew Burton earned a remarkable 42% of the vote in his four-way race.  We hope to see him continue to strongly advocate for residents’ views and conservative governance.” Turner said. “We also salute Amos McDonald and wife Jen for their graciousness and hard work during this campaign.”

Texas Patriots PAC volunteers worked hard on behalf of their supported candidates John McMullan, Matthew Burton, and Laura Fillault, for whom the PAC announced their support in October. 

Texas Patriots PAC, a non-partisan Tea Party organization dedicated to the election of candidates who share their core values of constitutionally limited government, free markets, and fiscal responsibility, is based in The Woodlands, Texas.  For more information, please visit


Please vote FOR the Montgomery County Road Bond.

There was no shortage of input on what a better county road bond would look like, both before and after the May 9th election.  As a result that that effort, a better bond is on our ballot now.
The Courier editorial of April 26, 2015 accurately summarizes the views of many Montgomery County voters about the strengths and weaknesses of the bond that failed in May.  Some excerpts:  
“[It] has been a decade since the county passed a road bond, and everyone agrees it is time for another one. in 2005, commissioners did an exceptional job leveraging the $160 million bond with state money to get the most dollars out of each project, with the least impact on taxpayers.
Mobility plans: We must complement South Montgomery County, including Precinct 3, The Woodlands Township, Shenandoah and Oak Ridge North, among others, for funding a $500,000 mobility plan that identified $1.6 billion in short-term and long-term projects needed in that region. It is a roadmap to accommodate growth.”
The editorial then goes on to name specific needed projects in each precinct, and to protest bond spending on maintenance and unnamed projects.  The Courier even advocates for maintenance spending out of annual revenue: “Sure, that will create more of annual budget crunch to pay it off sooner, but maybe that will force them to put more money in the annual budget for road maintenance and cut the fat in other areas.”
Read the whole editorial.  It’s terrific.  
Members of conservative groups across the county including the Montgomery County Tea Party, Judge Sadler, former state representative Steve Toth, private citizens like Laura Fillault, The Woodlands Township Board of Directors, other municipalities throughout the county, and the Courier itself made clear what they wanted and would support in a road bond.  These people spoke in court and in print and their views were plain as day.
Commissioners wanted to be sure that a new bond would pass.  To that end, Judge Doyal and Commissioner Riley were glad to commit the Texas Patriots PAC to a statement about what the PAC would support.  It is regrettable that all of us could not arrive at this better bond through the regular work of the court.  
Is it reasonable to punish those who live and work along Rayford Road because Commissioners delayed in placing the bond on the ballot until the last possible day?  Should we now miss the opportunity to access $9 billion in state matching funds for mobility projects?  
The Woodlands Parkway extension has been removed from this bond.  More money goes to mobility projects throughout the county.  Less money is spent on maintenance projects.  Passing this bond allows us to access our part of state funds for road projects here.
Please vote FOR the Montgomery County Road Bond.  Our wallets and our mobility depend on it.


Texas Patriots PAC statement regarding conversation and communication with members of the Montgomery County Commissioners Court about the November Road Bond

September 16, 2015



Statement from the Texas Patriots PAC.

There seems to be some confusion regarding the Texas Patriots PAC communications with two members of the Montgomery County Commissioners Court about the upcoming Road Bond.

The mobility needs of the County are so serious that members of the PAC, along with many other groups and individuals, began petitioning the Court in May, immediately after the election, to develop a better bond for November. When they failed to approve a bond by August 11, which was the last regularly scheduled meeting before the deadline to put a bond on the November ballot, we, along with all the other opposition parties, were forced to accept the reality that it was not going to happen this year, in spite of all our hard work.

We were very surprised when Mr. Davenport contacted us on August 12 to invite us to open a line of communication with Commissioners Doyal and Riley to try to establish parameters for a November 2015 bond that we could all agree upon.  The opportunity was that if we could reach agreement before the August 21 meeting notice deadline, Commissioners Doyal and Riley would seek approval of the framework from Commissioners Court. Time was extremely short. Between August 12 and August 19, we worked with Mr. Davenport to formulate a mutually agreeable framework for a proposed November bond and then finalized the framework with Judge Doyal and Commissioner Riley over the course of many hours on August 20 and 21.

Beginning on August 18 we began updating key members of the coalition groups of what we were doing and soliciting their support.  Throughout this process, we thought of ourselves as representatives of all the Conservative citizens groups.  The framework ultimately agreed to was representative of what all the groups had been proposing since May. 

We would have much preferred to have the continued input of the many people in other groups who also advocated for a better bond. Given the short timeline, however, we were able to only keep our colleagues abreast of our progress. In our enthusiasm to not miss the opportunity we did not consider the appearance of conversations and correspondence that were not public, particularly when taken out of context. At all times we continue to communicate the objectives of the large coalition of conservative citizens which had been publicly stated many times.  

The Court voted yesterday on a list of projects to be funded by the November road bond should it be approved by the voters. This bond complies with the “better than the defeated May bond” goal, removing objectionable developer roads and reducing the level of maintenance expenditures, and will serve the entire county.  

All private citizens have a right to petition the people they elect to serve them.  Meeting with two members of Commissioners Court is not a violation of open meetings laws. Any suggestion that these meetings violated such laws is entirely without merit.


For more information, contact

A victory for the taxpayers

All private citizens have a right to talk to the people they elect to serve them.

It works when those elected decide to listen, and then choose to put the needs of the people before pride and politics.

The members of the Montgomery County Commissioners Court voted on Monday to bring a road bond to the voters in November. This bond promises to be much more lean and efficient than the bond voters defeated in May, and will serve the entire county.   

The Texas Patriots PAC is proud to have worked with other organizations and individuals to communicate with these officials and continue to advocate for the taxpayers. Our position was clear from the beginning of our opposition to the May bond, and this provided a framework for a bond that we can support.

Persistence and patriotism have resulted in a meaningful action that benefits us all and sets us on a positive course for the future.

And the winner is... Montgomery County!

Last May's road bond contained too much waste and controversial projects to win our support and the support of the voters of Montgomery County, as it was overwhelmingly rejected at the polls. But Montgomery County DOES need a road bond in order to address our dire mobility needs. Initially, the County Commissioners were hesitant to propose another road bond for this November. However, after much discussion, we have come to an agreement, and the commissioners are willing to propose a road bond that we can support. This road bond does not include The Woodlands Parkway extension, and sets the county up for better budgeting practices. We thank the commissioners for their efforts, and are jubilant about this win for county taxpayers. We hope you will vote for this bond in November. Our joint press release is below.

Memorandum of Understanding

This Memorandum of Understanding is between Craig Doyal and Charlie Riley (the "Elected Officials") acting in their capacities as County Judge and Commissioner Precinct 2 of Montgomery County Texas, respectively, and Julie Turner, Jon Bauman and Bill O'Sullivan (the "PAC"), acting in their capacities as President, Vice President and Treasurer of the Texas Patriots PAC, respectively. The Elected Officials and the PAC are collectively referred to as the "Parties". The Parties agree that Montgomery County needs a Bond to finance urgent mobility projects and have agreed on a proposed structure for a November 2015 Bond (the "Proposed Bond") that addresses the concerns of both the Elected Officials and the PAC. 
The Parties have reached the following general accord with respect to the Proposed Bond: