Eva Guzman

Eva Guzman has spent her career in the Texas judiciary over the last 30 years as a Harris County Trial Judge, a 14th Court of Appeals Justice with ten of those years as a Texas Supreme Court Justice. From the Houston area, she is the product of the American dream. Her parents came to the United States as legal immigrants. Sadly, when Guzman was 26 years old, her father was murdered by an illegal immigrant who was never apprehended. Guzman is pro-life and an advocate of the second amendment. Her conservative values are in line with Texas Patriots PAC’s expectations. Guzman is quoted as saying Ken Paxton failed “to produce real results for Texans.” We couldn’t disagree more. Ken Paxton has been exceptional in fighting the Biden administration on their unconstitutional edicts. Guzman does have a well-funded campaign.

Louie Gohmert

Louie Gohmert began his legal career in the U.S. Army and continued in the Texas Judiciary until he was appointed Chief Justice, 12th Court of Appeals by former Governor Rick Perry. In 2004, Gohmert was elected to the United States Congress and is now serving his 9th consecutive term. Gohmert has a 94% Liberty Score for his conservative voting record. He has been an asset as an experienced congressman, and we prefer Gohmert remain in Congress where he is very much needed. Louie Gohmert hypocritically criticizes Paxton and should easily recognize the presumption of innocence since he obviously knows the difference between indictment and conviction. Gohmert entered the race at the last minute after petitioning the public for donations in order to run. Like the other candidates in this race, the Gohmert campaign is adequately funded.