The Texas Patriots PAC endorses Bruce Rieser for The Woodlands Township Board Position 4. 

Bruce Rieser is running for his third term on the Township Board.  In addition to serving as Vice Chairman, Mr. Rieser is a member of the  Storm Drainage Task Force, The Woodlands Convention and Visitors Bureau Board (Visit The Woodlands), The Woodlands Road Utility District, the Ad Hoc Economic Development Committee and the Incorporation Planning Task Force. 

Mr. Rieser has been one of the strongest performers on the Township Board. He has led the transformation of the Visit The Woodlands Convention and Visitors Bureau into a full-fledged, dynamic marketing arm of the Township.  This has generated higher revenues through hotel occupancy taxes, which has helped fund lower property taxes for residents of The Woodlands.  His work on the Budget Taskforce was particularly important given the fiscal uncertainty due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Mr. Rieser is deeply knowledgeable about the infrastructure needs of our community as evidenced by his representation of the Township on The Woodlands Road Utility District.  He has demonstrated the strength and versatility of his management skills in his service as the chairman of the Storm Drainage Taskforce, an area where the Township has no authority but where Mr. Rieser was able to obtain some protection for our community by bringing together the responsible parties and focusing attention on the need to protect The Woodlands. Rieser has transformed the Drainage Taskforce into the most effective collaborative effort in Montgomery County to deal with flooding and subsidence.

Mr. Rieser was part of the leadership opposed to the 2015 Woodlands Parkway extension which led to his early recognition of the inadequate protection provided by The Woodlands’ current legal structure.   He is committed to fiscal responsibility and conservative values which are vital in leading The Woodlands forward as our community rebounds from the pandemic and faces the issue of incorporation in the coming years. 

The Township Board planned to ask residents to vote on incorporation in the November 3, 2020 election.  However, because of the COVID-19 disruption, the study was not finalized, and the vote has been postponed.  Mr. Rieser’s opponent wants to prevent residents from voting on the incorporation alternative. You have to wonder, why?

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