Gordy Bunch is endorsed by the Texas Patriots PAC for The Woodlands Township Board Position 1. 

Gordy Bunch is running for his fourth term on The Woodlands Township Board.  He previously served as treasurer and secretary of the Township Board and, for the last four years, has served as chairman.  Mr. Bunch also currently serves on the Township’s Incorporation Planning Task Force, The Woodlands Economic Development Partnership, the Conroe/The Woodlands Urbanized Area, Commissioner Noack's Transportation Task Force and chair of The National Coast Guard Museum Capital Campaign.  

During his tenure on the Township Board, the Township has lowered property tax rates by 32%, reduced total outstanding debt by 62.5%, and increased cash reserves by $20 million.  Mr. Bunch’s knowledge of our community is unsurpassed and his leadership during the unprecedented financial upheaval due to the COVID-19 pandemic underscores his management skills as well as his steadfastness to fiscal responsibility and conservative values. 

As one of the primary leaders in the 2015 successful fight against the extension of The Woodlands Parkway, Mr. Bunch was one of the first community leaders to recognize the inadequacy of The Woodlands’ current legal structure to protect the quality of life of its residents. This led to the discovery that prior Township Boards had not adequately investigated alternative legal structures that would better protect the community’s interests and the launch of the current incorporation study. 

The Township Board planned to ask residents to vote on incorporation in the November 3, 2020 election.  However, because of the COVID-19 disruption, the study was not finalized, and the vote has been postponed.

The Woodlands is at a crossroads.  Gordy Bunch provides our community with the solid leadership needed to navigate a rebirth after the pandemic, and to squarely address the issue of future governance.

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