Spring Creek Utility District General Election

Texas Patriots PAC did not recommend in this race. Below, we have included answers to five questions from each candidate who submitted a vetting form for voter consideration.

Melvin Willcockson Did not respond

Mark Fusca

What are the three main reasons are you running for office?

I want to make a positive impact in the community I live in.  I want to be fiscally responsible with resident’s money, so we do not have to raise taxes and I want to make the community safer to live in.

What are the three main reasons you believe you are qualified for this office? 

I have been on the MUD Board for the last 3 years; I am also the President of Legends Run HOA which gives me a unique perspective and qualification to be on the board. 

What are the three main reasons you believe you are the best candidate for this office?

My past experience on the board, My experience being on the Legends Run HOA Board, My diverse education background.

Please rank the three biggest challenges facing the governmental entity you are seeking to join and describe how you would address them if elected?  

  1. Update the aging infrastructure in parts of the district. I would address this by using the bond money we have wisely so we do not bond too much money and have to raise taxes and use money out of our reserves for smaller projects so we do not use bond money when we do not have too.

  2. Keeping our tax rate low for residents while having to update aging infrastructure. I would address this by selling bonds now at historically low interest rates and if needed change how our tax rate in split between M/O and debt services and put more in debt services to keep our tax rate where it is.

In what ways should a MUD be transparent? Do you see ways to improve the current communication from your MUD?

The MUD should be as transparent as possible in all aspects of our business since it is the resident’s money that we are using.  We do a good job of being transparent, we have a communications consultant that keeps our website up to date.  We post the minutes from the meetings on this site.  We also meet in the evenings at our operators office that is about 10 minutes from the district, this allows residents the opportunity to come to the meetings.  Communication can always be improved, I would like to see us engaging with the HOAs in our district more and have a board member attend their monthly meetings, this would help in opening dialogue and transparency.