United States Representative, District 8 - Kevin Brady

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The Texas Patriots PAC recommends Kevin Brady for Congressional District 8.

Kevin Brady

President Trump will be running for re-election on another tax cut. Tax Reform 1.0 cut taxes for individuals and businesses and updated the tax code so that American businesses are globally competitive. The tax cuts left more money in taxpayers’ pockets and increased the wages of working Americans. The next wave of tax cuts will expand Tax Reform 1.0’s benefits for average Americans and the middle class and Congress will need to act to make these tax cuts permanent. Republicans will likely retake the House, restoring Kevin Brady to Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee. President Trump’s legislative partner for the previous tax cuts, Kevin Brady, is best prepared to shepherd Tax Reform 2.0 through the House and to the President’s desk.

Kirk Osborn

Mr. Osborn has a background in engineering and has operated his sales consulting business for 20 years. He has not run for office before and began his campaign in October, 2019. Mr. Osborn has a passion for conservative values that we respect; however, we do not see a path to victory in his campaign.

Melissa Esparza-Mathis

Ms. Esparza-Mathis is a decorated Army veteran and Native Texan. Her campaign is minimal and we do not see a path to victory.