Constable - Precinct 4 - Kenneth “Rowdy” Hayden

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Rowdy Hayden

The Texas Patriots PAC recommends Kenneth “Rowdy” Hayden for Constable, Precinct 4.

Texas Patriots PAC recommends the re-election of Rowdy Hayden, the current Precinct 4 Constable. Under Hayden’s leadership, keeping our roads safe by enforcing DWI rules has been a top priority. In addition, Rowdy Hayden has a good working relationship with the County Commissioners as well as the deputies reporting to him. Hayden has recently been cleared by TCOLE after a long investigation in which he was accused of falsifying training records. TCOLE did issue a reprimand to Hayden stating he, as a supervisor, was responsible for the recordkeeping rather than the outside agency providing the instruction. Hayden is appealing this reprimand on this premise the reprimand is not consistent with the law, such that the instructor must ensure the accuracy of his or her own reports. Hayden has patiently waited over a year for the system to prove there was no intent on his part to submit a false training report. Consistent with our judicial system, a person must be given a chance to prove their innocence. Hayden is a qualified Constable who will continue to do a good job for Precinct 4 while being responsible to the taxpayer by managing the budget of the Precinct.