
Texas Patriots PAC is pleased to recommend Dr. Jon Spiers for Land Commissioner.  He is a dynamic and intelligent candidate.  Dr. Spiers’ experience as an heart surgeon, veteran, attorney and entrepreneur in the private sector would be beneficial to all aspects of the General Land Office. Dr. Spiers is a strong conservative dedicated to smaller government and transparency, and will ensure the Permanent School fund is in good financial shape.  Dr. Spiers has indicated he is dedicated to preserving Texas History and preventing the woke narrative from seeping into the management of the Alamo.

Land Commissioner

The Land Commissioner is the elected official who leads the Texas General Land Office (GLO).  The GLO is charged with ensuring our Texas veterans facilities are well run giving our veterans excellent care, holding all Texas land records, protecting and operating the Alamo in San Antonio, funding public education through the Permanent School Fund, managing Texas state lands, protecting our Texas beaches, and helping Texans recovering from natural disasters like Hurricane Harvey. George P. Bush is our current Land Commissioner who is now running for Texas Attorney General. Under Bush, Texas veterans’ facilities had higher-than-average Covid outbreak rates and funds from Hurricane Harvey were withheld from Houston/Harris County which had 50% of the damage from the storm.

Part of the office’s responsibility deals with the Alamo, the iconic and sacred Cradle of Liberty of Texas. George P. Bush is best known as Land Commissioner for trying to “reimagine” the Alamo with an attempt to relocate the Alamo Cenotaph, the monument memorial to the brave men who died fighting for freedom against the dictator, Santa Anna. This move by Bush was extremely unpopular with Texans and offensive to descendants of the Alamo Heroes. Texas grassroots citizens fought back and won against Bush’s plan to relocate the Cenotaph when the Texas Historical Commission voted down the relocation permit. Bush’s failures as Land Commissioner have made it clear Texas needs a strong conservative who will proactively ensure the General Land Office successfully fulfills its roles in accordance with conservative values and care.

Dr. Jon Spiers

Dr. Jon Spiers is a trained heart surgeon who formerly worked in our Texas Medical Center in Houston, the city where he currently resides.   During his medical career, Dr. Spiers joined the Army Reserve Medical Corps to serve our troops and veterans.  He and his wife, who is also a medical doctor, still volunteer today to help our veterans. After an injury to his hand prematurely ended his medical career, Dr. Spiers applied his intellect to become an attorney with a specialty in oil and gas as well as environmental law.

Dr. Spiers is a candidate who cares deeply about preserving Texas History and protecting the Alamo. Living in Texas since his college days at Duke University, Dr. Spiers is aware of the current push to denigrate our Texas History from the far-left progressive movement. As Land Commissioner, he will prevent this liberal narrative from infiltrating the visitor experience at the Alamo.

Dr. Spiers’ medical background and his experience both as a veteran and working with veterans make him uniquely qualified to ensure our Texas veterans facilities are top notch. As a doctor, he will know how to properly deal with challenges such as Covid as it relates to the facilities in order to protect our veterans.

The oil and gas legal background and innovative expertise Dr. Spiers has as an attorney and entrepreneur will allow him to ensure our Texas State Lands and the Permanent School Fund are protected and in good financial health.

As a Christian Conservative, Dr. Spiers will protect the interests of Texas with a caring heart. HIs campaign is sufficiently funded to have a path to victory.

Dr. Dawn Buckingham

Dr. Dawn Buckingham is currently a Texas State Senator for District 24 which now represents Texas hill country cities including Kerrville, Junction and Killeen. Dr. Buckingham has served as senator since 2017 while also working as an ophthalmologist in her own private practice. When asked what accomplishment she was most proud of during her years as a Senator, Dr. Buckingham responded it was her “Beer-to-Go” bill which brought Texas up to par with other states.  Dr. Buckingham said, “As a promoter of a fiscally responsibly limited government, I believe Texas craft brewers should have the right to sell beer and ale to consumers for off-premise consumption — a privilege the state already provides to wineries, distilleries and brewpubs in Texas.” 

Regarding the Alamo and Texas History, in 2018 Dr. Buckingham did inform George P. Bush in a letter of her concerns with the Alamo Master Plan and the proposed relocation of the Alamo Cenotaph, the monument which honors Texas’ Alamo Heroes. She was correct that a permit must be first acquired to relocate a State Antiquities Landmark, and she recognized that George P. Bush was putting “the cart before the horse” regarding the Alamo Lease and the Cenotaph. Texas citizens, with the help of Lt. Governor Dan Patrick, worked the next two years to stop the Alamo reimagine plan and save the Cenotaph from relocation.

Dr. Buckingham has the medical expertise to review health related protocols pertaining to our Veterans’ homes. As a senator, she was aware of audits regarding these facilities. Although Covid was rampant in the Veterans facilities, she believes the contractors who run the facilities were doing an adequate job.

Buckingham’s experience in government will allow her to adequately oversee the duties of the Land Commissioner.

Dr. Buckingham has a very well-funded campaign.

Weston Martinez

Weston Martinez is the former Texas Real Estate Commissioner under the appointment of former Governor Rick Perry.  Martinez unsuccessfully ran for Texas Railroad Commissioner in 2016 and 2018; and most recently, was unsuccessful as a candidate for the Bexar County Commissioners Court in 2020 in the Republican primary where he received ten percent of the vote.

Weston Martinez is a native Texan who is familiar with the problems created under the Bush GLO regarding the Alamo. Martinez made appearances at various agency meetings regarding the Alamo Master Plan.  He was opposed to the relocation of the Alamo Cenotaph and did testify with many other Texas citizens in front of the San Antonio HDRC and the Texas Historical Commission. Martinez is devoutly dedicated to preserving Texas History and protecting the Alamo.

According to TEC financial reports, Martinez’s campaign is lacking funds with an unclear accounting of contributions, pledged contributions, and expenditures.

Ben Armenta

Mr. Armenta grew up in Round Rock, Texas.  As a CEO of privately owned companies, Ben Armenta has experience with the many different aspects of running a business that are relevant to the Land Commissioner position.  According to his website, Armenta appears to be a solid conservative.  However, it is clear he does not have a full understanding of some of the issues related to the job of Land Commissioner.  For example, he states in his questionnaire that the City of San Antonio will have full control of Alamo Plaza.  This is incorrect.  The lease between the GLO and the City of San Antonio gives control of the leased Alamo Plaza to the GLO with certain small stipulations allowing San Antonio special event days.  Ultimately, Texas state statute gives all authority over the Alamo to the General Land Office. The person running for Land Commissioner should firmly work cooperatively with other entities with a strong stance to ensure Texas History is not compromised. 

Armenta has raised some funds and his TEC financial report does appear in order.  However, he would need a significant fundraiser in order to fund a campaign against a democrat opponent in November.

Other Candidates:

Dr. Tim Westley – PhD. in Educational Leadership; Excellent Speaker.  Westley did testify regarding the Alamo Cenotaph. Lacking in campaign funds.

Victor Avila – Former ICE agent which is beneficial to address border control.  However, border control is not necessarily in the job description of Land Commissioner.  Some campaign funds available.

Don Minton – Active Attorney which is beneficial to the Land Commissioner position. Lacking in campaign funds.

Rufus Lopez – No information available.  Lopez did not create a website or provide any information on why he is qualified to be Texas Land Commissioner. Lacking in Campaign funds.