Texas Patriots PAC recommends Jonathan Hullihan for Congressional District 8 as his military and legal experience will be useful in Congress. Mr. Luttrell did not respond to several inquiries. Mr. Collins has a well funded campaign but does not have the breadth of experience we seek. No other candidate has campaign with a path to victory.

Jonathan Hullihan

The Texas Patriots PAC supports Jonathan Hullihan for election of Congressional District 8.  Mr. Hullihan is a graduate of Texas State University and Loyola College of Law and is a senior attorney with Seiler Mitby.  He served 13 years in the US Navy, including a deployment deploy to Iraq.  He resigned his active-duty commission in 2020 and serves as a Lieutenant Commander in the Naval Reserves. He is running for office to descope the reach of the Federal government; to fight Marxism/Socialism that has infiltrated the public education system, military, and media; and to change the current path, as well as danger for our nation and children’s future.

Christian Collins

Mr. Collins is founder of the Texas Youth Summit and a Lone Star College Professor.  He states that the three biggest challenges facing the Government are election integrity, securing the border, and critical race theory.  He has active participation in Republican campaigns to include Governor Abbott’s and Ted Cruz’s campaign staffs and campaign manager for Congressman Brady.  In addition, he has been actively involved in numerous conservative Republican organizations and Christian activities/organizations.

Morgan Luttrell

Morgan Luttrell graduated from Willis High School, has a BA from SHSU and a MS from Univ. of Dallas. He was enlisted in the US Navy, served for 14 years and became a Navy SEAL. He has worked to improve the lives of veterans and military families as the Chief Executive Officer for Boot Campaign. Luttrell worked as a Senior Advisor at the U. S. Department of Energy. He as the Chief Executive Officer at Trexxler Energy solutions and is an adjunct professor at SHSU. Morgan Luttrell wants to bring bold leadership and to put America first. His priorities are protecting the second amendment, 100% Pro-life, finish the wall and secure the border, support/protect public schools, stop liberal classroom indoctrination, cut wasteful spending, stand with police/veterans, protect Israel, stop voter fraud, defend private property, increase cyber security, to grow the economy and stop inflation. His campaign is well funded.

Candice Burrows

Candice Burrow states that she would like to see transparency by all media, FDA, CDC and pharmaceutical corporations, so that physicians can better care for their patients. She is running for office to alert citizens on the side effects of the vaccines, and other issues surrounding covid treatments. No other issues/concerns were noted by her campaign information on media.

Chuck Montgomery

Chuck Montgomery is running for CD8. He did sign a U. S. Term Limit Amendment Pledge, which can be located on the internet. No other campaign or personal information was located, such as a website or financial campaign information.

Other Candidates (no substantive campaigns)

Jessica Wellington

Taylor M. Whichard IV

Dan McKaughan

Michael Phillips

Betsy Bates