United States Representative, District 2

No Recommendation

Due to redistricting, part of Montgomery County including part of the Woodlands, is now in Congressional District 2. The incumbent, Dan Crenshaw, is a media darling who appears more interested in gaining national prominence than in understanding the people he would now represent. His actions reflect an effort to appear conservative while doing things to gain acceptance from the left.  He has failed to convince us that he shares our values. The three conservatives running against him have no credible campaigns.

Jameson Ellis

Jameson Ellis is a small business owner and American First candidate.  About his candidacy, he stated, “we're losing our country because of Republicans, not Democrats. I expect Democrats to act and vote like Democrats, but we have a problem when Republicans like Dan Crenshaw act and vote like Democrats.”  He has not raised enough money to have a credible path to victory.

Dan Crenshaw

Dan Crenshaw is a decorated Navy Seal who was deployed five times in a ten-year career and holds a Master’s Degree in Public Administration from the Kennedy School of Harvard University.  He was elected to Congress from CD2 in 2018.  He is running for his third term in Congress.

Crenshaw has a conservative voting record (Liberty Score of 74 from Conservative Review).  He misses no more votes than the average member of Congress.  Crenshaw is a media darling, appearing on both left and right leaning shows. He is rightly quite proud of his Youth Summits, having drawn tens of thousands of teens and young adults to gatherings to hear his conservative message. He is the third highest fundraiser in Congress, after Nancy Pelosi and Kevin McCarthy.

Crenshaw faces blowback from the left and the right, but it’s the right that is a factor in the current election. We have reviewed hours of interviews, podcasts, and social media posts from Congressman Crenshaw in order to better understand his positions on controversial topics.

Crenshaw wades into areas considered to be completely off limits by conservatives, to hold "conversations" about them. He maintains that for conservatives to remain on the sidelines cedes the narrative to the Democrats, leaving them completely open to promote blatantly unconstitutional solutions. Crenshaw tries to offer conditions under which solutions might be acceptable to conservatives.

However, trying to find an acceptable middle ground on issues which are absolutes to conservatives is impossible.  For example, Crenshaw stated to us that that red flag laws are not consistent with the 2nd Amendment, yet he floated conditions under which such laws might be acceptable to conservatives, after President Trump raised the issue.   That Crenshaw has these “conversations” reminds conservative voters of other elected “conservatives” who sought middle ground with the left and eventually voted for unconstitutional laws.  For instance, the recent “Infrastructure” bill mostly funded social justice causes and Crenshaw voted against it, but then defended the Republicans who supported it.   This “flirting” with the left alarms the much more conservative citizens in the redistricted area of CD2.

Congressman Crenshaw’s responses during vetting raise three areas of concern – two of substance and one of style:

1.    Crenshaw’s comment that there is nothing that he can do for the Jan 6 prisoners. It is unconscionable that these citizens have been jailed for over a year for misdemeanors and Crenshaw, while acknowledging their ill-treatment, does nothing. They have no way to obtain their freedom. This is such an egregious violation of civil liberties that to leave it alone is entirely unacceptable. Responses to both of these issues should not be limited to appealing to Speaker Pelosi and Democrat-run committees.

2.    His comment that there was no widespread systematic fraud in the 2020 election. Insufficient investigation has been conducted to reach such a conclusion. Crenshaw recognizes that profound mistrust in our elections exists and that it undermines the authority of elected officials. But he fails to recognize that to restore confidence that our elections are free and fair will require thorough investigation of the 2020 election.

3.    The issue of style has to do with interaction with his constituents.  Crenshaw appears more interested in gaining national prominence than knowing the people he represents.  Pollsters say that he "cares about people like me" is a key factor in voting.  While Crenshaw can effectively make conservative arguments, his attitude towards his constituents has been seen as arrogant, scolding, or demeaning.  We’d be a better society with more decorum, guided by the principle of letting everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them (Ephesians 4 29). We also need representatives that know us and how we think about things so they can best represent us in Washington.

Martin Etwop

Martin Etwop came from Uganda fifteen years ago as a missionary.  Etwop has lived under socialism and is concerned that America is heading in that direction.  He is a strong Christian Conservative who is concerned that our children are going to be burdened by the decisions being made in Washington D.C., and he wants to help change the direction that the country is taking.  He is hoping to use his knowledge from law school to help in his endeavor. Mr. Etwop has never held an office and is new to the political scene.  His campaign does not have a credible path to victory.

Milam Langella

Veteran and pilot Milam Langella seeks to help stop the advancement of communism in the United States, restore the Constitution, and provide freedom and liberty for family and fellow citizens. He believes the three most challenging issues today are the border crisis, social indoctrination of our military and unconstitutional mandates.  He believes election integrity is critical to our freedom.  Mr. Langella has signed the pledge for the Montgomery County Freedom Caucus and the Fair Tax Pledge.  He supports continuing the Trump agenda.  His campaign does not have a credible path to victory.