Texas Patriots PAC endorses Steve Toth with our highest recommendation due to his many successful efforts in the state legislature which include authoring and advocating a bill on banning Critical Race Theory in schools, fighting for the Border Wall, co-authoring bills on Constitutional Carry, the Heartbeat Bill, and advocating for many other conservative bills in the Texas House of Representatives. Toth also is a stalwart community leader who goes above and beyond to help his constituents and citizens in Texas.


State Representative Steve Toth is a small business owner representing South Montgomery County in the Texas House of Representatives. He was first elected in 2012, re-elected in 2018 and 2020. Steve is an exceptionally effective representative for his constituents while in Austin.  Steve has a perfect Pro-Life record. You will find him working tirelessly for our Veterans, Border Security,  Medical Autonomy and Vaccine Choice, protecting our Constitutional Rights and fighting for our Children’s Education which is under attack by socialist ideologies.

Representative Toth truly listens to citizens. He is a strong advocate for Dyslexia and worked hard to co-author a bill to help students struggling to read in school. A local constituent describes Mr. Toth’s dedication to Dyslexia students, “It’s very rare to have a politician so available to his constituents. It’s even more rare to have a politician take a stand on a controversial issue that would rock the special education world, because it’s the right thing to do for the kids.”

When Covid hit Texas in 2020, Steve worked diligently to understand the continually changing recommendations to prevent and treat the disease. Although he is against vaccine and mask mandates, Mr. Toth strongly advocated the use of monoclonal antibodies, a treatment against Covid which saved thousands of people from hospitalization or worse. Not only did Representative Toth secure the life-saving medicine after the Biden Administration cut off Texas, Steve Toth has been a leader in communicating about the Covid treatment of monoclonal antibodies. During a recent surge of Covid in the community, Steve Toth made daily live videos on social media telling people where and how to get the antibodies in Montgomery County. One couple named Kevin and Beverly reached out to Mr. Toth for help after they both contracted Covid three days before the Thanksgiving holiday. They needed the antibodies but had no way to get to the infusion center since Kevin suffers from Parkinson’s disease and is immobile. Within hours, Steve Toth arranged for medical professionals to go to Kevin and Beverly’s home to administer the life-saving treatment. After the ordeal the couple recalls, “We cannot adequately express our gratitude for Representative Toth and his staff who moved heaven and earth to ensure that we received the care we desperately needed despite our inability to leave our home. Representative Toth is an example of what public service is truly all about.”

In recent years, Steve Toth also paid close attention to the failure of George P. Bush’s Alamo Reimagine Plan. Representative Toth wrote strong letters to the Texas Historical Commission expressing his concerns for the Alamo while communicating he was against the relocation of the Alamo Cenotaph, the monument to the fallen heroes at the Alamo. Thanks to Representative Toth’s advocacy along with Dan Patrick’s help and the grassroots efforts of many concerned Texas citizens, the Alamo Plan is on the correct path and the Alamo Cenotaph will remain on the battlefield where the Alamo Heroes shed their blood for freedom against the tyrant, Santa Anna.

 Awards and Distinctions

 •      Taxpayer Champion -  Earning an “A” score from Texans For Fiscal Responsibility

•       Courageous Conservative by the Texas Conservative Coalition

•       Faith and Family Champion by Texas Values

•       Top Rated Conservative in the Texas House by the Texas Eagle Forum

•       Toth earned 100% rating from the Texas’ chapter of Concerned Women for America

•       Scored 2nd Highest in the Texas House by the Young Conservatives of Texas.

•       Out of Texas’ 150 State Representatives, Toth has the third most conservative voting record (based on a 2021 Rice University Study)


Maris earned a Bachelor of Science degree from University of North Texas and a law degree from Texas Wesleyan School of Law.