Texas Patriots PAC recommends John Hafely for County Court at Law #1. Mr. Hafley’s broad criminal justice experience as a law enforcement officer, prosecutor and private practitioner, as well as his long military service and dedication to transparency and constitutional rights, should make him an excellent judge.

John Hafley

John Hafley has worked in the Montgomery County Court system for nearly a decade and has twenty-nine years of experience in the criminal justice system as a police office, prosecutor and private law practitioner. John has a long military career. He values the inalienable rights that have been bestowed on citizens and is dedicated to transparency within the court system consistent with our will Constitution. John is ready to report to duty and continue is life of service and leadership as judge of County Court at Law 1.

Brian Cain

Brian Cain received a B.A. in history and religious studies and an M.A. in history before his strong feelings of empathy for others led him to decide to get his law degree.  He has been a practicing attorney for twelve years.  Mr. Cain has handled different types of cases ranging from civil to criminal cases.  He has also focused on family law. He is on the appointment list of lawyers in Montgomery County to be called on for both civil and misdemeanor cases. Because of his dealings with different types of cases, he would like to see our county judges be willing to have multiple dockets instead of focusing on one area of law.