RECOMMENDATION: Texas Patriots PAC is pleased to recommend Jay Wright for Justice of the Court of Appeals District 9, Place 2


Jay Wright, who received his J.D from the University of Houston Law Center, is an excellent conservative choice for the Court of Appeals District 9, Place 2. According to Wright, The 9th Court of Appeals is the most conservative court in the State of Texas and as Justice of this court, he intends to keep it this way. Wright’s judicial philosophy is an “Originalist Judicial Philosophy” similar to that of Atonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas. Jay Wright explains, “The way our Republic works is by following the Judeo-Christian values underpinning our founding documents. Our government will not succeed if we move away from the idea that our rights come from God and our Constitution is simply a document that protects those God-given rights. The left wants us to believe there is no God and the Constitution only means what five members of the Supreme Court decide it means. Our country will not survive with that kind of judicial philosophy. We must maintain the original intent of our Founders.”

Jay Wright does not advocate judges legislating from the bench, a practice by those who are considered “activist judges.” Wright is against this practice and will rely on the Constitution to guide him in his judicial decisions.


Stephanie Hall has been a practicing attorney for the last 29 years. She received her J.D. from South Texas College of Law. Like Wright, she is against activist judges who legislate from the bench. In our questionnaire, Ms. Hall refers often to the U.S. and Texas Constitutions when describing her method of making judicial decisions. Local judge Kristen Bays is a judicial role model for Ms. Hall. She has known her for twenty years.