Dan Patrick has received two checks on our voter guide, which indicates he receives our ENDORSEMENT, Texas Patriots PAC highest level of recommendation.

Lt. Governor Dan Patrick* - Incumbent

The current Lieutenant Governor, Dan Patrick, seeks re-election to lead the Senate and serve Texas in the most powerful position in our state. The Lt. Governor serves as President of the Senate with the responsibility to select committee chairs and determine the order in which bills are heard.

Both the Governor and Lieutenant Governor release legislative priorities before each session begins. However, the driving force behind conservative policies since 2014 is really Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick and the conservative Senate, and to a lessor extent, the Texas House. Where Governor Abbott tends to take a sit-back-and-wait approach after he has released his legislative priorities, Lt. Gov. Patrick is relentlessly involved in passing his agenda, even if it takes several legislative sessions. It’s Patrick’s clarity that the governing party should govern, his politically masterful use of the powers of the Lieutenant Governor’s Office, and his tireless efforts on behalf of grassroots conservative priorities that make him the most effective political leader in Texas.

As a strong conservative Christian, Patrick consistently upholds the values Texas Patriots PAC expects from our elected officials. His belief in our Constitution is steadfast along with being pro-life; pro-second amendment; and pro-freedom.

In the last legislative session, the Texas Senate delivered on landmark pro-life and Second Amendment legislation, including Constitutional Carry, legislation to save girls sports, and a ban on critical race theory in our public schools.

Patrick is well aware that the Biden administration is allowing the invasion of illegal aliens across the Texas border. The legislature increased border security by adding $1.8 billion over the next two years. This is helpful to the cause, but the Texas border remains open and must be closed using more Texas controlled and private sector based strategies.

Patrick recognized early on in the pandemic that our economy was suffering and quickly declining. In 2020, only a few months into the pandemic, Dan Patrick made some controversial comments that, in hindsight, were on 100% on target. Patrick told Hannity on Fox News, “We've got to take some risks and get back in the game and get this country back up and running." At the time of this comment, fear was sweeping the nation regarding Covid and many democrats and moderate Republicans were advocating lockdowns, mask mandates, and the shutdown of businesses. Dan Patrick had the foresight that Covid was harming Americans by taking away individual freedoms and by hindering businesses from being open, leading to economic decline. Although Texas did shut down at the beginning of the pandemic, once it was known that Covid was not as deadly as medical experts first predicted, Dan Patrick worked to open Texas.

Dan Patrick was instrumental in halting George P. Bush’s Alamo Reimagine plan and putting the current Alamo Plan back on track. In March 2020, Dan Patrick reached out to a member of Texas Patriots PAC who is also a descendant of an Alamo hero after Patrick received and read a detailed research paper written about the history of the Alamo Cenotaph and the legal reasons relocation of the Cenotaph was not an option. Patrick’s steadfast involvement with the Alamo/Cenotaph issue along with his superb testimony before the Texas Historical Commission (THC), helped the THC understand his commitment and the importance the Cenotaph (the monument for the Alamo Defenders) is to Texas. The Commission denied the permit to the relief of many Texans. After the vote, Patrick said, “The overwhelming vote (not to relocate the Cenotaph)…it is a great moment in history for the Alamo and the people of Texas.” Lt. Governor Patrick, an avid Alamo aficionado, truly listened to Texas grassroots citizens and has promised to ensure the Alamo will not be reimagined, but will be honored and revered under his watch.

Daniel Miller

Daniel Miller is a technology consultant, author, and is the President of the Texas Nationalist Movement. He and his group, also known as TNM, believes Texas should secede from the United States and form a separate nation. Secession cannot be achieved by the Lt. Governor alone and Miller’s priority on the issue would only serve as a distraction to perform the duties of the Lt. Governor. Miller did not complete the Texas Patriot PAC questionnaire; therefore, we are unclear of his stance on issues and we cannot ascertain whether or not he meets our expectations concerning conservative values .

Trayce Bradford

Tracye Bradford is a conservative activist, consultant, and homeschool parent from Tarrant County. She's been active as the former president of the Dallas and Texas Eagle Forums as well as active in Grassroots America. She states her three main reasons for running for Lt. Governor include, "Personally witnessing the lack of resolve to fight for our GOP Priorities, to fight governmental overreach, especially during COVID, and unwillingness to stop growing government power and government agenda". Bradford’s platform includes fighting for religious liberty, banning taxpayer-funded lobbying, stopping government overreach, and prioritizing Texas’ energy independence and election reform. Tracye Bradford has not served in a smaller government position before and it would be beneficial for her to “learn the ropes” by serving as a Senator before taking on such a high position as Lt. Governor.

Other Candidates:

Aaron Sorrells

Aaron Sorrells is a small business owner, husband, and father of 3. Per his campaign page, Sorrells appears to have strong conservative values, but it's unclear what experience he has to be the Lt. Governor of Texas. Sorrells did not complete the Texas Patriots PAC questionnaire; therefore, we cannot conclude if he meets our conservative values expectations and if he has adequate experience to hold this office.

Zach Vance

Zach Vance is a retired Marine, Purple Heart recipient, farmer, husband, and father of two. Vance supports ending property appraisal districts and using purchased home value as the basis for property taxes for at least twenty years. To augment this plan he would increase sales tax at least two cents. He did not complete the Texas Patriot PAC questionnaire; therefore, we can't conclude if he has adequate experience to hold the office of Texas Lt Governor.

Todd M. Bullis

Todd Bullis has limited biography and career details on his campaign page. Bullis did not complete the Texas Patriot PAC questionnaire.