RECOMMENDATION: Texas Patriots PAC is pleased to recommend Wayne Christian for re-election as Railroad Commissioner.


The Railroad Commission of Texas is the state agency with primary regulatory jurisdiction over the oil and natural gas industry, pipeline transporters, natural gas and hazardous liquid pipeline industry, natural gas utilities, the LP-gas industry, and coal and uranium surface mining operations. The Commission exists under provisions of the Texas Constitution and exercises its statutory responsibilities under state and federal laws for regulation and enforcement of the state’s energy industries. The Commission also has regulatory and enforcement responsibilities under federal law including the Surface Coal Mining Control and Reclamation Act, Safe Drinking Water Act, Pipeline Safety Acts, Resource Conservation Recovery Act, and Clean Water Act.

Wayne Christian - Incumbent

Commissioner Christian has been Texas’ Railroad Commissioner since November 2016. In addition, Christian serves on the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission as Texas’ Official Representative. In this role, Wayne Christian has been fighting against the Biden Adminstration with their costly and dangerous programs like the Green New Deal, the CLEAN Future Act and the Paris Climate Agreement.

Wayne Christian, a graduate of Stephen F. Austin, is a lifelong conservative businessman who understands that big government increases consumer costs and kills oil and gas jobs, which harm our economy and threaten our national security.

According to his website, Commissioner Christian claims “a clean environment and a thriving oil and gas industry are not mutually exclusive.” He is for clean, yet reliable energy.

Christian understands the reliability of fossil fuels as Texas’ primary energy source. In response to the deadly February 2021 freeze in Texas, Christian said, “The takeaway from the is storm should not be the future of fossil fuels, but the dangers of subsidizing and mandating intermittent, unreliable forms of energy at the expense of using our resources to make the grid more resilient to extreme weather events.” Although wind and solar are clean forms of energy, these are not reliable during a winter emergency, and wind typically does not generate during the hottest days of the summer.

Commissioner Christian has done an excellent job ensuring the Texas oil and gas industry is in compliance to ensure our natural resources of oil and gas are adequately available while enforcing current laws and regulations on the books. Christian’s extensive knowledge of the oil and gas industry over his long career is also a huge benefit to represent Texas against the Biden administration which would like to see reliable and clean burning natural gas replaced by less reliable “green” energy at the cost of Texas jobs and the safety of Texas citizens.

Dawayne Tipton

Mr. Tipton has an extensive background in offshore drilling engineering. Dawayne’s website indicates his top priority as Railroad Commissioner is to keep “Texas’s oil & gas industry healthy and independent of job killing regulations.” Tipton claims to be a fiscal conservative who believes in a lean and efficient government.

Tom Slocum, Jr.

Tom Slocum is an engineering compliance consultant with work related to abandoned oil and gas wells. Slocum is the founder of the Texas Well Protected Energy Foundation. He is a supporter of introducing Bitcoin to Texas wellsites.

Marvin “Sarge” Summers

Mr. Summers tragically passed away in a car accident on February 8, 2022. Texas Patriots PAC extends our deepest condolences and prayers to his friends and family. Summers was an army veteran and the founder of Oilfield Connections International (OCI) - a large oil and gas networking organization.

Sarah Stogner

Ms. Stogner is not a credible candidate.