Texas Patriots PAC recommends Don Huffines for Governor. 

The federal government is betraying the American people.  The Biden administration remains steadfastly determined to continue policies that encourage the current invasion of illegal migrants.   Greg Abbott as governor has been a disappointment.  On securing the border, COVID business and school shutdowns, mask and vaccine mandates, Greg Abbott has a pattern of waiting until other Governors have taken stronger action to follow suit, making a token gesture, or simply appealing to the federal government to solve the problem.  

Texas deserves a Governor determined to reach a solution to secure our border, uphold civil liberties, and effectively limit the federal government’s overreach into the lives of Texas citizens.  Our next Texas Governor must make more than token gestures to close the border by using all methods available in the U.S. Constitution, Texas law enforcement, and creatively through the private sector to secure Texas’ borders. 

Don Huffines has the strongest multifaceted border security plans.  Huffines’ strategy robustly harnesses the power of the Office of the Governor with the creativity of the private sector to securing Texas’ border. 

Greg Abbott

Greg Abbott has taken a cautious, lawyerly approach to governing Texas. While he is commonly understood to be a conservative governor, Abbott doesn’t drive the agenda for conservative priorities.  The driving force behind conservative policies since Abbott took office in 2014 is really Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick and the conservative Senate, and to a lessor extent, the Texas House.  Where Lt. Gov. Patrick is relentlessly involved in passing his agenda, even if it takes several legislative sessions, Governor Abbott tends to take a sit-back-and-wait approach after he has released his legislative priorities.  On securing the border, COVID business and school shutdowns, and mask and vaccine mandates, Greg Abbott has a pattern of waiting until other Governors have taken stronger action to follow suit, making a token gesture of support, or simply appealing to the federal government to solve the problem.   Greg Abbott is not known for taking bold, courageous action but will sign conservative legislation when it finally reaches his desk.  

Anguish over our open southern border unites Texans of all political viewpoints.  Aided and abetted by the Biden Administration, the undefended Texas border is a gaping hole in our nation’s security.  In 2021, close to 2 million entered Texas illegally.  American citizens will lose their jobs in favor of those here illegally who will work for less, drug and sex trafficking are skyrocketing, theft, child molestation and murder is increasing, and our nation is now open to terror attacks on our home soil.  Accepting the position that nothing can be done to close the border unless the federal government takes action likely means that the border will remain open and undefended until we have another Republican president. 

Texas deserves a Governor determined to reach a solution to secure our border, uphold civil liberties, and effectively limit the federal government’s overreach into the lives of Texas citizens.  Our next Texas Governor must make more than token gestures to close the border by using all methods available in the U.S. Constitution, Texas law enforcement, and creatively through the private sector to secure Texas’ borders.  Greg Abbott is likely to continue the same follow-the-leader strategies, half-measures, and passive advocacy if re-elected.  

Don Huffines

Don Huffines is a fifth-generation Texan, a commercial real estate developer, and a former Republican state senator who represented North Texas for six years.  As a legislator, Huffines was one of the most conservative members of the Republican delegation.  In the Texas Senate, Huffines authored legislation supporting term limits, pro-life measures, constitutional carry, and school choice.  He exposed the Dallas County Schools bus agency for stealing tens of millions of dollars from Texas taxpayers.   Huffines’ legislation ultimately forced the agency to shut down and six involved went to prison.  In 2020, he was sharply critical of Abbott’s handling of COVID-19, and said Abbott was “too slow” in allowing businesses to reopen. 

Closing our open Texas border is the most important issue of the Governor’s race because of the invasion’s impact on our state and national economy, security, and culture.  Of the candidates for Governor, Don Huffines has the most robust border security plan with a likelihood of succeeding.  Huffines has proposed a four-point plan to close the border that the Governor of Texas can actually implement.  He would deploy the Texas National Guard to secure the border, finish Trump’s wall, put economic pressure on Mexico, and end taxpayer subsidies to illegals and mandate E-Verify.  This Trump-like, multifaceted approach harnesses the power of the Office of the Governor along with creative and nimble economic incentives and disincentives from the private sector.  Huffines campaign is sufficiently funded to present a credible challenge to Governor Abbott’s re-election.

Allen West

Allen West is a well-known figure in conservative circles.  He appears on Fox News quite frequently, and was a member of the U.S. House of Representatives for Florida’s 22nd Congressional District for one term (2011-2013).  West was elected chair of the Texas Republican Party in 2020 and resigned his position in June of 2021 to begin his campaign for Governor.  He served in the United States Army from 1982-2004 achieving the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.

On the critical issue of border security, West pledges to mobilize and deploy the full strength of the Texas National Guard and Texas State Guard. His view is that a border wall is not enough, there must be “boots on the ground” to combat illegal border crossings.  He proposes designating Mexican cartels as transnational criminal and terrorist organizations in order to freeze their assets here in Texas.  Additionally, he pledges to establish a Texas Border Patrol Agency and give this agency the powers to arrest, detain, and deport illegals from the State of Texas.

These proposed solutions to securing our border are very broad.  Other than stating the he will work with the Texas legislature to pass legislation authorizing Texas to tax the remittances of illegal immigrants sent back to their home countries, West does not fully outline how he will use the office of Governor of the State of Texas to effectively resolve our border security problem.


While West’s values generally align closely with those of the Texas Patriots PAC, his proposals to secure our border are very broad and do not present a clear strategy on how best to find a solution to the ever growing crisis along our southern border.

Allen West campaign website:  https://west4texas.com/

Chad Prather

Chad Elliot Prather is an American motivational speaker and humorist known for a series of YouTube videos in which he comments on life, politics and current events. His videos, notably “Unapologetically Southern” which went viral in 2015, have been featured by several media outlets.  Prather has a degree in communications and a master’s degree from Columbia International University. He has been referred to as an armchair philosopher and is most notably recognized in a cowboy hat and speaking to the camera from the cab of his truck.  His campaign is insufficient to be considered a credible challenge to Governor Abbott’s re-election.

Other Candidates

Kandy Kaye Horn – successful conservative Christian businesswoman and philanthropist running on a border security and legalizing marijuana platform.  Her campaign mostly consists of 160 billboards in cities along the Texas border, to increase her name identification.

Paul Belew – criminal defense trial attorney who supports gaming in Texas and the legalization of thc as revenue generators to actually lower property taxes.

Rick Perry - This is NOT the Rick Perry who served in state government from 1985-2015 as a state representative, agriculture commissioner, lieutenant governor and governor, and then as the energy secretary on Donald Trump’s cabinet.  This candidate is Ricky Lynn Perry, a computer engineer from Springtown, a town northwest of Fort Worth, in Parker County has filed for Governor. 

Danny Harrison – businessman from North Texas who seeks to raise more money to lower property taxes through the legalization of marijuana and expanding gaming and tourism in Texas.